
Personalized gift ideas


Personalized gift ideas

Make a gift for a special occasion

make a gift only you can give!

Make a personalized gift for a special day, or have your kid make a gift for a teacher, loved one, or friend. Come in with your own kids (or even a class full!) to create unique and thoughtful gifts they’ll hold close to their hearts.

At Wet Paint Pottery you can personalize an unfinished ceramic piece for any special person in your life, or create a handmade gift for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Grandparents’ Day, or any other special holidays each year.

Our thoughtful and artistic hand-painted gifts are more personable and memorable than a new gadget or a candle from the store. We can help you choose the best gift for your mom, dad, family member, friend, or other loved one to help make their special day one to remember and cherish.

Perfect for special occasions:

  • Christmas Gifts

  • Valentine’s Gifts

  • Mother’s Day Gifts

  • Father’s Day Gifts

  • Grandparents’ Day Gifts

  • Birthday Gifts

  • Christening Gifts

  • Graduation Gifts

  • Secretary’s Day Gifts

  • Anniversary Gifts

  • Teachers & Coaches


Gift Cards and Classes

Gift Cards and Classes

Gift cards and classes

Our gift cards can be loaded in any amount and make an excellent present for the DIY painter on your list. Give them the gift of art with a Wet Paint Pottery gift certificate, perfect for making memories!


Commemorative Plates

Commemorative Plates

Children are only small for so long. Capture that special moment in time with one of our handprint or footprint design pieces you can treasure forever.

Our handprint and footprint pieces make excellent gifts for parents and grandparents! Capturing your child’s little bitty prints and preparing them for proud display for generations to come.


Wedding Gifts

Wedding Gifts

Wedding gift ideas

Looking for a unique personalized wedding gift idea you know won’t be returned?

Come in and visit our studio to create a custom hand painted one-of-a-kind home warming art piece for the new bride and groom.

If you are looking for an even more fun and laugh-filled event you can also schedule your bridal shower at Wet Paint Pottery. We’ll work with the hosts to craft a memorable and artistic pre-wedding event for the bride-to-be.